Are your contractors suitably skilled for historic renovation?
Whether your listed building is in daily use or not, historic building renovation and conservation can create unique contracting challenges. Inexperienced contractors could ultimately cost a fortune, damage your reputation and even break the law. That’s why these types of project just aren’t suitable for just any contractor, and certainly not the place for novices. So where can you find suitably skilled listed building contractors?
Fortunately we have a proven track record and large portfolio of satisfied clients, such as The National Trust, Royal Shakespeare Company, local authorities and other charitable trusts who are already appreciating our sympathetic approach and trusting us to work on their historic buildings.
Listed Building Contractors
We have been successfully restoring historic and listed buildings since 1992, so our contractors really know what they’re doing. Whether working on Grade 1 and 2 listed properties such as Birmingham’s back-to-backs or on an historic monument, such as Chesterton Windmill, building a reputation for renovating listed buildings demands exceptional people, specialist building skills, an appreciation of National Trust requirements and a deep understanding of the applicable building regulations.
When you have regularly been entrusted with historic building restoration at the highest level, sensitivity and discretion is everything. Whether choosing and working with appropriate materials and implementing client choices, such as whether to have visible or discreet replacements, or delicate matters such as conservation versus restoration and DDA access to listed buildings our listed building contractors have the expertise and can advise you.
The historic building restoration partner you can trust
Take the worry out of your historic property ownership in the Midlands with Arden Construction.